Top Traded IssuersSee All CBOE MINI SPX INDEXXSP:US Trades138 Volume0 Alphabet IncGOOGL:US Trades132 Volume0 Microsoft CorpMSFT:US Trades115 Volume0 The Walt Disney CoDIS:US Trades107 Volume0 IncAMZN:US Trades101 Volume0
Most Active TradersSee All Ro KhannaDemocratHouseCA Trades14,423 Issuers1,065 Scott PetersDemocratHouseCA Trades119 Issuers51 Zoe LofgrenDemocratHouseCA Trades119 Issuers101 Alan LowenthalDemocratHouseCA Trades86 Issuers41 Gil CisnerosDemocratHouseCA Trades56 Issuers49
CaliforniaAll Issuers1M3M6M1Y3Y*PoliticianTraded IssuerPublishedTradedTypeSizeNo results.Page 1025 of 9961025 / 996Show12EXPLORE IN TRADES
Most Traded IssuersCBOE MINI SPX INDEX138Alphabet Inc132Microsoft Corp115The Walt Disney Co107Other14,446
Most Traded SectorsFinancials2,517Information Technology2,304Healthcare2,002Consumer Discretionary1,670Other6,445