James VanceRepublicanSenateOhio3Trades3Issuers$3.25MVolume2023-10-03Last TradedN/ADistrict2023 – 2025Years Active1984-08-02Date of Birth40AgeCommitteesAgingBanking, Housing & Urban AffairsCommerce, Science & TransportationShow details
James VanceAll Issuers1M3M6M1Y3Y*Traded IssuerPublishedTradedFiled AfterTypeSize Walmart IncWMT:US23 Oct20233 Oct2023 days20sell50K–100KGoto trade detail page. NARYA CAPITAL FUND II LPN/A30 Sept202331 Aug2023 days29buy100K–250KGoto trade detail page. NARYA CAPITAL MANAGEMENT LLCN/A30 Sept202330 Aug2023 days30sell1M–5MGoto trade detail page.Page 1 of 11 / 1Show12EXPLORE IN TRADES
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